Irish English Tags Audio
coirín coirín a bhíof acú a' fiuchadh an uisc' before they had kettles and pots Everyday phrases Food and drink Activities Past participle Conversational Log in to hear
ruacan bia rí ruacan, agus bia bodach báirneach (sean-ocal). cockle Food and drink Folklore Animals Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
páinéid tá an phláinéid athruí, (our) climate has changed, we now get a different kind of weather climate Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Weather Life & death Log in to hear
stíoc chuck to hens, but stíoc when calling chickens is the proper word to use Activities Animals Food and drink Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
pluc nár mhór an ní . . . gan aon oideas gan aon léigheann i n-a pluic, wasn't it great for her who hadn't any education and hadn't a word of learning in her head cheek Feelings Everyday phrases Education Adjectives Activities Log in to hear
créatúireacht a déanamh c. mhór oram cheating Activities Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
aighneasúil na hAlbanaigh - na seandaoine is measa; an dream óg - tá siad níos aighneasúl' , more affable, more communicative, more sociable chatty, talkative Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
cuaiseáin tá cuaiseáin ann cavities in peat before it is cut Everyday phrases Geographical terms Health Plants Activities Log in to hear
caipín a't-sonais an té a mbíonn a' caipín seo ar a cheann nuair a thigeann sé ar a' tsaol, ní féidir a bháthadh (Sb); ní bheith sé gearr i n-airigead (MMt). caul Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Proverbs Log in to hear
cláimín Around Balla the horns of cora bocs (i.e. mountain sheep) ar called cáimíns. cane or light stick taken to children when bold Animals Everyday phrases Geographical terms Objects Folklore Log in to hear
tseof! tseof! call word used for sheep Animals Objects Everyday phrases Language Verbs Log in to hear
hurrais call to pigs to food; Animals Food and drink Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
bóbha call to an ass to stop, halt Activities Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Log in to hear
bin! bin! bin! call for turkeys (to food) Food and drink Activities Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
pin! pin! call for turkeys (to food, etc.) Activities Food and drink Animals Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear