Irish English Tags Audio
te teann rug siad ar a chéilí go te teann Adjectives Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
tolladh a' tolladh, butting with horns, "pucking" (of cattle). Animals Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
tom tom a' t-éideadh as an uisce caisc (Sb), dip the scapular in the holy water. Activities Food and drink Religion Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tráthúil duine tráthúil tíorthúil, fear cainteach fáiltiúil (TmB); ag innsean rudaí (go dhuine) a' dúil le go gcreidfeadh sé iad; bíonn níos mó ná an ceart ar siúl aige; ní chreidtear é a leath gon am (duine tráthúil) (bean AOS). Adjectives Activities Feelings Personality Relationships Log in to hear
treóir go múinfe tú treóir dúinn, give us guidance, direction, nuair a bhethá amú ar a' gcroc Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Language Verbs Log in to hear
trom-chúis le trom-chúis adúirt sé é, for fun, humbugging (bean AOS); trom-chúis - grataí magaidh (AL). Contrast D. Activities Everyday phrases Folklore Language Feelings Log in to hear
truisle baineadh truisle as, he fell, stumbled Activities Verbs Feelings Adjectives Physical contact Log in to hear
tuatach ceárdaí tuatach, one who does not have his trade, a "gobbawn" tradesman. Abstract nouns Adjectives People Folklore Activities Log in to hear
túnaois thug sé túnaois dó, a small beating, black-eye, perhaps (TmB); cf. Béaloideas, xvii, 257 (six lines from bottom): bhuail siad túnaois mhaith orthú, from Pádraig Mac Meanaman, An Claigeann, in aice le Baile Chruaich. Activities Feelings Physical contact Objects Folklore Log in to hear
turus tuaithbheal turas a chuireas daoiní ar dhaoiní eile le spit Activities Relationships People Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
Nuair a théadh siad dona scoile When they used to / would go to school Activities Everyday phrases School Verbs Time
(agus) Is minic a thugtaí ainmeacha ar leith ar gasúir mhóra It was often that special names would be given to big children Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives People Everyday phrases
magarleán / magarlín small man, acting the hard man Adjectives People Activities Personality Idioms
's chuid acu dhéananns obair sa bhaile and some of them do work at home Activities Adverbs Everyday phrases Work The home
Théadh go Sasana he used to go to England Activities Travel People Past participle Geographical terms