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Chuir a chulaith éadaigh agus an shúil a bhí ina cheann dhon fhear an chneastacht (...) robáil. He bet the honest man his suit of clothing and the two eyes in his head (...). Adjectives Clothes Feelings People Verbs
"Á, a amadáin", ar seisean, "ghoidfeadh an fear sin a oiread aon oíche amháin is shaothrófá i gcaitheamh i do shaoil". "Ah, you fool," he said, "That man would earn in one night as much as you would earn your whole life,". Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adjectives Arguments
Bhuel, nuair a bhí an geall cailltí aige bhí gan éadach gan amharc. Well, when he had lost the bet he was naked and blind. Everyday phrases Feelings Life & death Activities Adjectives
Fuaigh thart go ndeachaigh ag an rí-chat. He went around until the came to the king-cat. Activities Animals Everyday phrases Places Adjectives
Thit ar an rí-chat an scéal a insean. It fell to the king-cat to tell the story. Animals People Activities Folklore Adjectives
rud beag (caitin) i bpoll agus tobar uisce ag bun crainn agus dhá bhfaghadh trí bhraon de le n-ól leigheasódh í. "There is a small (...) thing in a hole and and there is a well of water at the bottom of a tree and if she got three drops of it to drink it would cure her". Abstract nouns Adjectives Food and drink Objects Feelings
Cén chaoi an bhfuil féin? An-amhrán! théis an t-amhrán sin a chloisteáil. Bhí go hálainn. How are you yourself? Wonderful! I just heard that song. It was lovely. Everyday phrases Feelings Music Adjectives Conversation
Á, bhí thar cionn, nach raibh? Ach oiread leat féin. Ah, it was excellent, wasn't it? Just like yourself. Everyday phrases Adjectives Feelings Conversation Interjections
Nach breá an Gaeilgeoir, bail ó Dhia air, atá thall i Tenerife? Isn't he a fine Irish speaker, God bless him, over in Tenerife? Adjectives Conversation Feelings Geographical terms Language
Níl. No. Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections Likes & dislikes
Mar i bhfad níos gréine ó dheas. Because there's a lot more sun in the south. Adjectives Amount Geographical terms Weather Comparatives
i bhfad níos glaise abhus anseo, It's much greener here, Adjectives Comparatives Countryside Everyday phrases Feelings
Inné bhí an-lá againn, bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch, mar a dúirt leat. Yesterday we had a great day, the sun was splitting the stones, as I told you. Activities Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Adjectives
Nach mbídís ag trácht ar an. . . fíon, ar an bhfíon Spáinneach. Don't they be talking about the. . . wine, the Spanish wine. Everyday phrases Food and drink Language Conversation Adjectives
fíon thar a bheith go maith anseo. Agus ar ndóigh bíonn . . . The wine is very good here. And of course. . . Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Place names