Irish English Tags Audio
boc 'séard a bhí ann boc (AC); boc achrannach ar a mhisc, a contrary buck when drunk (HE). buck, lad (not complimentary) Colloquialisms Adjectives Feelings People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bríce chomh díreach leis a' mbríce brick Prepositions Objects Adjectives Everyday phrases Construction Log in to hear
docsa bhuail sé le docsa mé, he struck me a box on the ear box Activities Feelings Physical contact Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
caindéal bottom of barrel (stanna) Objects Everyday phrases Idioms Activities Feelings Log in to hear
blocán a'bhuaidh block of cork on a buoy Objects Seashore wildlife Transport Materials Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sinneán gaoithe níl ann ach a' sinneán sin, his bark is worse than his bite blast of wind Idioms Animals Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Log in to hear
chugad chugad a' luaith! said by a woman when putting out ashes; chugad a' púc', beware of the pooka! common in the phr. níor úirt siad chugad a' púc' liom (I met them on the road) and they said not a word, spoke not a word to me beware! look out! Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Idioms Folklore Log in to hear
builte ar bhí an caisleán buailte air, the castle was beside him, quite near him. beside, close to Buildings Adjectives Prepositions Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
crios belt (on sheaf of corn), but a soldier's belt is beilt. Objects Food and drink Activities Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
tionnscain cé thionnscain é, who started it (fight)? (TmB); is tú a thionnscail a' troid (EOCn); v.n. a' tionnscaint. begin, start Activities Verbs Conversation Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
mí-stáid tá mí-stáid mhór ann, ní bheith aon abhail aige do chuid a mhilleadh; there's much badness in him, he'd have no scruple, no compunction, about destroying your property (TmB). aon abhail he explained as aon tsuim. badness Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
broc chomh fallsa le broc, as lasy as a badger. badger Animals Adjectives Idioms Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sáilín ar éanachaí géadh gearrfa muid a' sáilín gon ghé, we'll cut off the 'sáilín', for identification purposes back-toe on goslings Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Animals Objects Log in to hear
aifir nár aifridh Dia ort é, God forgive you; ní aifreó mé ort é, I'll forgive you for it (TmB) avenge Feelings Religion Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
giorra anála asthma; dock seed is boiled as a relief for it Health Food and drink Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Log in to hear