Irish English Tags Audio
Fuaigh siad... Shuigh siad thart. They went.... They sat around. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships Rest and relaxation
Pósfaidh fear ar bith a leigheasfas í. "She will marry any man who will cure her". Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Ach sáróidh ar dhochtúirí na hÉireann a leigheas ach leigheasóidh mise í. "But all the doctors in Ireland will fail to cure her, but I will cure her". Feelings Health People Verbs Everyday phrases
Is mise le sin a dhéanamh gan mórán moille is a thabhairt 'uici. "And I am going to do that shortly and bring it to her." Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs Pronouns
Bhuel, mhoithigh an fear seo a bhí faoin mbairille an chaint. Well, this man who was under the barrel heard the talk. People Everyday phrases Verbs Objects Feelings
Chuirfeadh súil insa dall. "It would put eyes into the blind," he said. Idioms Feelings Conversation Relationships Verbs
Is breá liom é. I love it. Feelings Likes & dislikes Everyday phrases Verbs
Bhoil, faoi lathair ag feliméaracht ann. Well, currently I am farming there. Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs
Go dtí chúig nóiméad ó shin bhí ag tarraingt luifearnach. Until five minutes ago I was pulling weeds. Activities Time Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases
a fhios agam céard é luifearnach ceart go leor. I know what weeds are, all right. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Language Verbs
Ach ag iarraidh fáil réidh léi inniu ná. . . agus amárach. But I am trying to get rid of it today and. . . and tomorrow. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Verbs
a' ghoil thart á tarraingt, agus leis an strimmer chomh maith. I'm going around pulling it, and with the strimmer as well. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Tools Work
Níl faoi láthair, ach bhíodh i gcónai. Not at the moment, but I used to always. Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Adverbs Time
Bhíodh go leor acu agam, ach faoi láthair níl aon cheann agam, agus ag iarraidh é sin a athrú. I used to have a lot of them, but at the moment I don't have any, and I'm trying to change that. Everyday phrases Feelings Likes & dislikes Verbs Adverbs
Taobh ó thuaidh ó dheas? - Téann na daoine sin . . . North or south? - Those people go. . . Geographical terms People Conversation Questions Verbs