Irish English Tags Audio
fiú trumpa gan teangaidh é sin That's not worth a damn Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Arguments Conversational
chuir fear de na naoimh ar a bhfairnéis they searched after one of the Saints Activities People Religion Arguments Everyday phrases
Ach 's é mo bharúil but it is my opinion Arguments Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases Language
ach dhearna an sagart ach but didn't the priest Conversation People Religion Everyday phrases Arguments
col sgartha divorce Abstract nouns Relationships Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear
gábhadh níl gábh ar bith nach dtigeann duine as, there is no battle but somebody comes safe out of it (Sb); defect (of character); : ach bhí gábh ann - bheith a' caint oram-sa agus ort-sa; bhí sin go ghábh ionn, there was that fault in him, that little flaw in his character, to be talking about me and you (ML). danger, battle Feelings Arguments Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
maidir le maidir le cúrsaí truipéad dó, well, as for truipéad as regards Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Language Arguments Log in to hear
díth dóich na préacháin a' déanamh dí dóich air ann, the crows doing destruction to his crops there (Sb); a' déanamh dí dóich ar do chómhars, wronging your neighbour, rash judging him (MMT); a' déanamh dí dóich air, éagóir (TmB); dí dóich, rud mí-chéart (AL). Cf. Béaloideas, xiii, 224: bhí siad a' dianamh dí-dóich thart i nÉirinn (.i. arm Shasanaí) in a story from Ballycroy, and glossed 'outrage, harm', by the sgéaluí. Activities Feelings Arguments Folklore Food and drink Log in to hear
draoitheadóireacht a' draoitheadóireacht, ag coinneál eagnaidheacht leat, arguing with you Activities Arguments Feelings Verbs Conversational phrases Log in to hear
bodach / drochbhodach big strong lad who is argumentative Adjectives People Personality Arguments Physical descriptions
gan rud taobh thiar de without anything behind him (no weapon?) Everyday phrases Feelings Adverbs Arguments Objects
Casadh robálaí dhó. He met a robber. People Activities Verbs Arguments Feelings
D'imigh siad leofa ag argóint aríst. Off they went again, arguing. Activities Arguments Adverbs Verbs Conversation
"Á, a amadáin", ar seisean, "ghoidfeadh an fear sin a oiread aon oíche amháin is shaothrófá i gcaitheamh i do shaoil". "Ah, you fool," he said, "That man would earn in one night as much as you would earn your whole life,". Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adjectives Arguments
Bhoil, is dóigh go raibh go leor cúiseanna leis, Well, I suppose there were many reasons, Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Arguments Conversation