Irish English Tags Audio
Bíonn ag deanamh tithe he's building houses Activities Buildings Verbs People Work
"Tá solas", a dúirt sé, "insan teach sin, thall" there's a light on, he said, in the house over there Everyday phrases Conversation Buildings Objects People
teach na rubáil, a roinn siad. "it's the house of the stolen things", he impart to them Buildings Objects Feelings Activities Everyday phrases
agus tháinic ag a' teach and he came to the house Buildings Verbs People The home Everyday phrases
nuair a tháinic an tarbh ag a' doras when the bull arrived at the door Animals Events Buildings Places Physical contact
Chuaigh an fear i dteach na rubálaidhe the man went into the house of the robbers things People Buildings Activities Objects The family
agus gabh an coileach suas, mullach an tigh, taobh amuigh and the rooster went up, on top of the house, outside Animals Buildings Geographical terms Verbs The home
nuair a bhí na rubálaidhe, imigh tamaill ón teach when the robbers were gone a while from the house Activities Buildings People Time Life & death
bhí an teach dorcha the house was dark Adjectives Buildings Feelings Objects Weather
Bhí ag iarraidh foscadh, ' siúl thart leis na... ' caint leis na coillte go bhfuair teach in áit a rabh cait fhiáin. He was looking for shelter, walking around the.... talking to the woods until he found a house in a place where there were wild cats. Activities Animals Buildings Countryside Feelings
Fuaigh isteach go teach seo is bhí tinidh ann. He went into this house and there was a fire there. Buildings Fire Places Verbs Everyday phrases