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lughar níor lughar liom a' deabhal fheiceál 'ná thú, - a' tan nach mbeith aon tsuim agad ainntí, I wouldn't hate seeing the devil more than you - (said) when you wouldn't like her (Sb); ní lughar liom an t-éag 'ná é, I hate him more than death. Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Comparatives Verbs Log in to hear
pléata níl ann ach pléata go dhuine Everyday phrases Comparatives Language Feelings People Log in to hear
salann 'sé an salann soir é géadhaí Iorrais thíocht go hEacaill (MC), it is like coals to Newcastl (sean-ocal). Idioms Folklore Comparatives Places Food and drink Log in to hear
sompla a' sumpla bróch, nach fearr a' fear mise ná é? the dirty wretch, amn't I a better man than him Adjectives Feelings People Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
an ceann is sine trí bliana déag the oldest one is thirteen Adjectives Numbers Life & death Comparatives Feelings
Níos thig leis a freastail, corruair. More than he can attend to, sometimes Adverbs Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Activities
in amanna eile at other times / otherwise Everyday phrases Adverbs Time Comparatives Grammar
agus rith go tapa agus ' thiocfaidh leis and he ran as fast as he could Activities Adverbs Comparatives Verbs Feelings
níos luifearnach rud ar bith eile ar an bhfeirm faoi láthair. There's more weeds than anything else on the farm at the moment. Abstract nouns Farming life Comparatives Amount Everyday phrases
Mar i bhfad níos gréine ó dheas. Because there's a lot more sun in the south. Adjectives Amount Geographical terms Weather Comparatives
i bhfad níos glaise abhus anseo, It's much greener here, Adjectives Comparatives Countryside Everyday phrases Feelings