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tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well Buildings Religion Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases
aon dath uisce ó shin as. any type of water from there, since then Everyday phrases Geographical terms Prepositions Time Abstract nouns
dhá h-oileáin Inis ina luī amach ó Leathinis an Mhuirthead. The two Inishkea islands lie off the Mullet peninsula Geographical terms Place names The seashore Adjectives Numbers
an áit a dtugann siad "the dock" ar, thíos anseo the place they call "the dock", down here. Place names The city Geographical terms Everyday phrases Objects
Is dócha, go raibh tionchar mór, aige sin, ar an saol ar an oileáin ina dhiaidh sin, a raibh? I suppose that had a big influence on life on the island after that? Abstract nouns Feelings Geographical terms Life & death Everyday phrases
ar an tír mór on the mainland Geographical terms Place names Prepositions
beirt an bothar thiar, 's a mharaigh it (the storm) killed two from back the road Disaster Life & death Everyday phrases People Geographical terms
siad curtha, i bhFáil Mór they are buried in Falmore Places Life & death Verbs The home Geographical terms
bhfuil a fhios agatsa anois, ca bhfuil na daoine curtha anseo, daoine a muintir leat fhéin do you know where your ancestors are buried here? Feelings People Life & death Relatives Geographical terms
Soir ansin To the east, there Geographical terms Prepositions The city Place names Direction
an bealach sin that way Prepositions Everyday phrases Adverbs Geographical terms Conversation
sna áit ina bhfuil na clocha geala in the the place where there are the bright stones Places Adjectives Astronomy Objects Geographical terms
an curtha, soir ag an mballa sin, soir The king is buried over to the east, at that wall there Places Buildings Life & death Geographical terms Time
thall, gar go leor an áit sin over/beyond, close enough to this place Prepositions Place names Adverbs Everyday phrases Geographical terms
Sa Tír Thiar bhí sin In the west of the country, this was Geographical terms Prepositions The country Everyday phrases Time