Irish English Tags Audio
faitíos orm I'm afraid Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Adjectives Verbs
Fainic! Watch out! Everyday phrases Interjections Adverbs Log in to hear
caitheadh suas muid we were thrown up Verbs Past participle Feelings Interjections Idioms
Agus céard a tharla dhaoibhse? And what happened to ye? Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Interjections
tá's, a fhios agam Oh I know, I know Interjections Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Relationships
bhoil anois, a deir, a dúirt an sagart well now, says, said the priest Conversation Feelings People Interjections Religion
fearb in phr. m'fhearb, my word; 'seadh, m'fhearb, yes, indeed Everyday phrases Idioms Interjections Feelings Conversation Log in to hear
glafar chuirfeadh sé glafar as Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Log in to hear
greallach tá sé 'n-a ghreallach amháin Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases To be able to Interjections Log in to hear
lorg a lorg, nothing, following a dhath, finally - a dhath . . . a lorg (negatively) Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Adverbs Objects Log in to hear
bíodh cinnte! be sure of it! Everyday phrases Feelings Adverbs Interjections Verbs
bheul bhíodh well, (there) used to be Everyday phrases Interjections Verbs
Agus... bhuel, fhaghaimse é sin, arsa an fear seo, cuirfidh sé, b'fhéidir, súil in mo cheann. "And, well, if I get that," said this man, "perhaps it will put eyes in my head." Conversation Feelings Interjections People Idioms
me go maith, mh'anam. I am well, by god (my soul). Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Language To be able to
Ab ea? Was it? Conversational Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections Questions