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An bhfuil tusa anois gar den áit a dtéann daoine ar a laethanta saoire ann? Are you now near the place where people go on their holidays? Conversation Questions Places Activities Everyday phrases
Taobh ó thuaidh ó dheas? - Téann na daoine sin . . . North or south? - Those people go. . . Geographical terms People Conversation Questions Verbs
Céard eile a bhíonns a dhéanamh ó thaobh feirméarachta dhe? What else do you do in terms of farming? Activities Farming life Conversation Questions Everyday phrases
Céard é féin? What's that? Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Questions
Céard eile. . . Cén cineál feliméaracht is a dhéananns tú? What else. . . What kind of farming do you mostly do? Questions Farming life Activities Conversation Everyday phrases
Bíonn ag plé le grapes mar sin an mbíonn? Do you deal with grapes then, do you? Activities Food and drink Conversation Questions Likes & dislikes
Agus gabh i leith anois go bhfiafraí ort, And tell me now, let me ask you, Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Greetings Questions
Cén fáth go ndeachaidh anonn ansin anois go Tenerife, an chéad ariamh agus gur b'in é an taobh a ndeachfaidh agus gur b'in é an cheird atá ort ann? Why did you go over there to Tenerife initially, and to go to this side (of the island) and with this occupation you have? Activities Geographical terms Questions Life & death Relationships
'Sea, agus cén sort teanga é? Yes, and what kind of language is it? Conversation Language Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
"An bhfaca an gabhar liath liom" rud, cibé fhéin é, "Have you seen my gray goat" or something, whatever it is, Animals Adjectives Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
A' gcreideann ina dtaibhsaí - an taibhse? Do you believe in ghosts? Conversation Feelings Religion Folklore Questions