Irish English Tags Audio
agus gabh an coileach suas, mullach an tigh, taobh amuigh and the rooster went up, on top of the house, outside Animals Buildings Geographical terms Verbs The home
agus nuair a ghabh go doras eile and when he went to the other door Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Places The home
agus fiór-slat ón teach é and he was a good many yards from the house Adjectives Amount The home Verbs Everyday phrases
fiche míle thart ar an teach twenty miles around the house Geographical terms Measurement The home Numbers Prepositions
Bhíodh Seán ina shuí cois na tineadh agus a chúl leis an taster a bhí sa gcoirnéal. Seán used to sit by the fire with his back to the dresser that was in the corner. Activities Everyday phrases Furniture The home Physical descriptions
Agus bhíodh Seán ag faire síos ar íochtar an agus d'fheiceadh scáile Phílí Cat thíos ar an mbinn; bhí ag tíocht idir solas na tineadh agus an bhinn. And Seán would look down at the bottom of the house and he would see the shadow of Pílí Cat down on the hearth; he was coming between the light of the fire and the hearth. People Places The home Feelings Verbs
Lean sin dhó mar sin agus an oíche seo bhí Seán agus Pílí Cat cois na tineadh. "That continued for him in that way and this night Seán and Pílí Cat were by the fire." Adverbs People Everyday phrases Feelings The home
Agus fuair síos ag an drisiúr agus thóig an jug amach as an drisiúr a raibh an bainne ann agus tharraing an sásar aniar ón drisiúr go dtugadh braon do Phílí Cat, chuile oíche roimh a dtéadh a chodladh. And he got down at the dresser and took the jug out of the dresser that had the milk in it and pulled the saucer over from the dresser to give a drop to Phílí Cat, every night before he went to sleep. Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink The home Animals
Is é an áit a gcodlaíodh Pílí Cat chuile oíche thíos ar an lota sa bhféar os cionn na agus an asail a bhí ceagailte in íochtar an tí. The place where Pílí Cat slept every night was down on the blanket in the grass above the cows and the donkey that were tied at the bottom of the house. Places Animals Everyday phrases Countryside The home
Théigh é féin ag an tinidh agus fuaigh isteach faoin mbairille. He heated himself by the fire and he went in under the barrel. Activities Feelings The home Verbs Place names