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fobhar tá fobhar ar a' ngealaigh, the moon is on the wane, í ag goil siar Weather Astronomy Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
friotach is friotach a' lá é .i. giobach, breezy with cold biting wind (CN); also of dog: madadh . . friotach, with hair standing on him (ready for fight). Adjectives Animals Feelings Weather Idioms Log in to hear
gaimhiúil (of weather) with a sting in it Adjectives Weather Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gainséal tá gainséal airigid air .i. uireasaidh airigid (Wm); tá sé gearr i n-airigead (AL) Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Physical descriptions Weather Log in to hear
garrdha tá gáraidh thart ar a' ngealaigh, there is a ring round the moon (a bad sign of weather). Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Animals Superstitions Log in to hear
iogallach bhí iogallach ar a' bhfaraige (PR); iogallach nuair bhíos a' t-ionradh agus a' ghaoth i n-aghaidh a chéilí go do dhalladh sa gcurach (AL). Feelings Weather Adjectives Activities Life & death Log in to hear
péiste na murlus bíonn sé a' raithe i n-éis na murlus. Weather Everyday phrases Life & death Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
réalta ar an oíche ba dorcha thainic as réaltaí an aeir riamh Adjectives Astronomy Everyday phrases Weather Time Log in to hear
riocht níl sé i riocht a dhuil amach, (the weather) is not fit to go out (fishing). Weather Adjectives Disaster Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sás is maith a' sás na cruic a tharraint, the hills are good to draw it (rain), they usually do Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Log in to hear
sceataí lá sceataí .i. lá dósta, lá a mbeith gaoth láidir is fearthainn chruaidh Calendar & Seasons Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
slám slám olainne, a roll of wool tuairim 's punt (TmB); slám ceó, a piece of fog or foggy cloud. Objects Food and drink Weather Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
smúitiú tá an ghealach faoi smúitiú, scamall thart orthaí Astronomy Weather Feelings Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
snámhán a' ghaoth a' snámhán thart, the wind going round to another point Weather Nature Activities Physical contact Objects Log in to hear
snámhtha nach bhfuil sé snáfaí lé uisc' (an spéir thiar), the sky is full of rain on the way, coming Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Activities Log in to hear