Irish English Tags Audio
Ach gabh i leith, níl in ann anois maireachtáil ag feliméaracht ar na cearca, ar ndóigh. But come here to me, you can't now live on farming chickens, of course! Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Animals Verbs
Maithmuise gur chuala. Ah indeed, I have heard. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Verbs
Caithfidh tosú éicint anois leis na. . . le fataí a chur. I have to start someday now with. . . planting potatoes. Activities Food and drink Farming life Verbs Time
Caithfidh a bheith ag plé le cabaiste, chuile shórt. I have to be dealing with cabbage, everything. Activities Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs
Labhraíonn na daoine le chéile ag feadaíl, People speak to each other by whistling, Activities People Communication Noise and sounds Verbs
Agus tháinig anall anseo, And I came over here, Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Pronouns Places
Agus bhí fíor, And it was true, Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Verbs
Agus chuaigh ag foghlaim na teanga seo, And I went learning this language, Activities Language Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
chreideann mé. If you believe me. Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Idioms
Is ea, bíonn siad ag feadaíl le chéile le haghaidh rud ar bith a le chéile, Indeed, they whistle to each other to say anything to each other, Everyday phrases Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings
Agus go raibh ag iarraidh rud éicint a leis faoin bocaide faoin ngabhar a bhí bailithe thar an gclaí, claí ann, And you wanted to say something to him about the goat that had gone over the fence, if there was a fence, Activities Animals Everyday phrases Relationships Verbs
Cén chaoi an ngabhfá dhá mhíniú sin i bhfeadaíl dhó? How would you explain that to him by whistling? Activities Conversation Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Go díreach, tuigthe 'ad. Exactly, you understand it. Conversation Everyday phrases Adverbs Feelings Verbs
chailleann mar shampla gabhar éicint, If you lose, for example, some goat, Animals Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs