Irish English Tags Audio
Fuair i gcionn an bhainne agus d'ól lán a bhoilg den bhainne. He found the milk and drank his fill of it. Activities Food and drink Feelings Objects Verbs
Scaoil Seán an bhó agus an t-asal, d'oscail an doras thiar agus lig amach iad suas an garraí agus lig amach na cearcaí agus thug isteach na huibheachaí as teach na gcearc agus dhún an doras iataí aríst agus chuir a lámh suas ar an lot' os cionn an dorais thiar agus tharraing anuas mála saic. "Seán released the cow and the donkey, he opened the back door and let them out into the field, and he let out the hens and brought in the eggs from the henhouse and closed the back door tightly again and put his hand up to the loft above the back door and pulled down a sack bag." Activities Animals Everyday phrases Farming life Objects
" Níor úirt Caolchat a dhath ach ag faire faoi agus thairis. "Caolchat said nothing but kept looking around and about." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Conversation
Las Seán an puíop', dheargaigh aithinne thuas ag an tinidh agus nuair a bhí an puíopa lasta aige "tá mise réite anois", ar seisean, "tá chomh maith againn a bheith ag bualadh an bhóthair agus ag baint píosa as. "Seán lit the pipe, he reddened the gorse up at the fire and when he had the pipe lit he said 'I'm ready now', 'it's just as well for us to be hitting the road and making a bit of headway." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings People Verbs
an ag éirí gearr agus is fada an choiscéim í 'na bhaile mhóir agus nuair a bheas a ngraithí déanta againn beidh mall go maith nuair a bheas muid ar ais. "The day is getting short and it's a long walk to the big town, and by the time we have our business done it will be quite late when we get back." Time Activities Adjectives Places Everyday phrases
D'oscail an mála agus chuir Pílí Cat sa tsac agus rug ar Chaolchat agus chuir sa tsac é chomh maith. He opened the bag and put Pílí Cat in the sack and grabbed Skinny Cat and put it in the sack as well. Activities Animals People Objects Everyday phrases
Chas béal an tsaic agus thóig den talamh é agus bhuail siar ar a dhroim é. "He twisted the top of the sack and lifted it off the ground and struck it on his back." Activities Verbs Physical contact Objects Everyday phrases
Bhí fear cneasta, oibre ag goil an bóthar. An honest working man was travelling along the road. Adjectives Activities People Transport The city
Casadh robálaí dhó. He met a robber. People Activities Verbs Arguments Feelings
Chuaigh siad ag caint. They started talking. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Conversation People
Bhí fear...Ghoidfinn a oiread aon oíche amháin agus saothrófá i gcaitheamh do shaoil. "There was a man...In one night I would rob as much as you would earn your whole life," he said. People Feelings Conversation Activities Life & death
Cén geall a chuirfeas tú? "What will you bet?" Everyday phrases Questions Activities Verbs Money
An chéad fhear a chasfaíor dhúinn ar an mbóthar. "The first man we meet on the road." People Places Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases
Bhog siad leo chun bóthair. They went along the road. Activities Transport Verbs The city Place names
Cén fear a casadh dhófa ach robálaí eile. Who did they meet but another robber. Conversation People Activities Adjectives Life & death