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lughar níor lughar liom a' deabhal fheiceál 'ná thú, - a' tan nach mbeith aon tsuim agad ainntí, I wouldn't hate seeing the devil more than you - (said) when you wouldn't like her (Sb); ní lughar liom an t-éag 'ná é, I hate him more than death. Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Comparatives Verbs Log in to hear
luimreóg aliter luimneóg, a kind of crab (found out in the deep?): luimreógaí, portáiníní beaga glasa; bhéarfadh siad ort; nimhneach go maith Animals Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
luinsgeóracht a' l., a' bogadaigh ar a' mbóthar, staggering from drink Activities Feelings Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
mac a' pheata chuile mhac a' pheat' acú, every one of them, every mother's son of them Everyday phrases Feelings People Language Relationships Log in to hear
méad lé' mhéad a scanraigh Ifreann é, Hell frightened him so much Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Activities People Log in to hear
nasc i nasc, hemmed in, embraced, Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Feelings Physical contact Log in to hear
nimheadóir nimheadóir bradach, a sour fellow who won't take fun or a joke Adjectives Feelings People Personality Everyday phrases Log in to hear
oilbhéasach bochaill oilbhéasach, suas le géimeannaí, a ghoidfeadh giorrán a chomharsa is a bhainfeadh marcaíocht as Animals Adjectives Activities People Feelings Log in to hear
oiread ach orad leat héin, ní maith liom gleó (CN); no more than yourself, I don't like noise; ach orad leat héin, tá teangaidh mhath Ghaeilge aicí; ní rabh aon toirt ionntú ach orad le cuileógaí; ach orad le ceann cailleadh go hóg é, (cf. Hiberno-English) no more than another, he died young, i. like many another (PR). Everyday phrases Conversational Feelings Idioms Language Log in to hear
oirthí an oirthí mhór /ǝN´ er´hi: wo:r/ agus an oirthí bheag seem to refer to two particular pieces of land, i. they are the names of two pieces of rich fertile land. Cf. the Erris adj. for fertile 'oireamhail' / ˡer´hu: l´/, D. Additions I, aireamhail. Geographical terms Plants Feelings Countryside Food and drink Log in to hear
piarsaí ó d'anam go na piarsaín nach b'éard tá ann míol mór, your soul to the dickens isn't it a whal (POR). Ní droch-fhocal é (AL). Abstract nouns Feelings Expressions Idioms Folklore Log in to hear
plancadh tá sí a' plancadh féir anois, of cow eating her hay with gusto, or ravenously (AL). mhoithigh mé plancadh ó mhaidin .i. loscadh gunnaí (TmB). Activities Animals Feelings Food and drink Verbs Log in to hear
pléata níl ann ach pléata go dhuine Everyday phrases Comparatives Language Feelings People Log in to hear
poll fua' sé síos go poll a dhá ascall, he sank to his oxters; roadstead Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact Transport Log in to hear
práinneach práinneach asad féin, leitheadach; práinneach as a chlann, as rud ar bit a bheith aige, proud of, thinks a lot of (AL); bhí sé a cho práinneach as a gcat. he was so very fond of the cat (CN). Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Relationships Verbs Log in to hear