Irish English Tags Audio
Fuaigh thart go ndeachaigh ag an rí-chat. He went around until the came to the king-cat. Activities Animals Everyday phrases Places Adjectives
Thit ar an rí-chat an scéal a insean. It fell to the king-cat to tell the story. Animals People Activities Folklore Adjectives
D'inis scéal bhean óg... an bás uirthi... a leithide seo dh'áit. He told a story about a young woman... dying(?)... in a certain place. Abstract nouns Activities People Places Life & death
(Ar seisean), cúig phunta, cúig mhíle dhéag de phuntaí de thíocht isteach aici sa bhliain. He said, "She has five pounds, fifteen thousand pounds of income per year". Money Numbers Everyday phrases Activities Feelings
Pósfaidh fear ar bith a leigheasfas í. "She will marry any man who will cure her". Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Is mise le sin a dhéanamh gan mórán moille is a thabhairt 'uici. "And I am going to do that shortly and bring it to her." Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs Pronouns
Agus nuair a chuir an teachtearacht anall anseo againn, bhí i gCarna, agus bhí thiar ag an siamsa, agus bhí thiar ag an. . . ag ceol agus amhráin a bhí thiar i gCarna. And when you sent the message over here to us, you were in Carna, and you were over at the entertainment, and you were over at the. . . at the music and songs that were over in Carna. Conversation Places Music People Activities
Bhí, ar ndóigh, agus chomh maith leis. . . is ea, bhí cupla siamsa acu i gCarna chuile. . . bhoil, chuile bhliain, agus bhí ansin I was, of course, and as well as. . . yes, they had a few entertainments in Carna every. . . well, every year, and I was there Everyday phrases Time Places Activities Feelings
Agus ar ndóigh bhí ag an bhféile a rinne féin, a chuir féin i láthair - And of course, I was at the festival you yourself organized, that you yourself presented - Activities Conversation Feelings People Events
Agus cén sort ceird ort atá ort ann? And what kind of work do you do there? Activities Conversation Work Questions Everyday phrases
Bhoil, faoi lathair ag feliméaracht ann. Well, currently I am farming there. Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs
ar an bhfeirm faoi lathair. I am on the farm right now! Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Time Feelings
Go dtí chúig nóiméad ó shin bhí ag tarraingt luifearnach. Until five minutes ago I was pulling weeds. Activities Time Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases
fhad ó tharraing luifearnach, a Mháirtín? How long has it been since you pulled weeds, Mháirtín? Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Farming life
a fhios agam céard é luifearnach ceart go leor. I know what weeds are, all right. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Language Verbs