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suanaí níl ann ach suanaí, (tá sé) ciúin gan suim i gcaint aige; gan bheith a' caint Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear
súgán a shúgáin, addressing a young lad in depreciatory terms Adjectives Activities People Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
súmaire súmaire doracha go dhuine, a sile fellow with no word in him, who won't speak to you. Is deas a' rud píosa cainte, níor mhol éinne riamh a' súmaire Adjectives Feelings People Conversation Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tabhairt a' tabhairt dó, hard at it (hay-making (ML); tá an traghan a' tabhairt dó, the corncrake is hard at it, singing away good and loud (MC). Activities Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
tara cho dubh leis a' tara Adjectives Animals Physical contact Colloquial expressions Feelings Log in to hear
téad tá téad ar an asal agam, I have the ass tied by rope to stake out in the field (Sb); gamhain ar téad ní dheachaidh riamh 'un cinn (sean-ocal) (MCd), a staked calf never throve Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Farming life Verbs Log in to hear
teannta a choinneál i n-a theannta, to keep it together (money), not to spend any of it Everyday phrases Feelings Money Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
téigle (tá sé) i n-a chalam téigle, it is perfectly calm (said of the sea on a fine day); stoirim shamhraidh ná téigle gimhridh níl aon tseasamh orthaí (sean-ocal) (MMt), a summer storm or a winter calm will not last long. Adjectives Weather Idioms Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tráthúil duine tráthúil tíorthúil, fear cainteach fáiltiúil (TmB); ag innsean rudaí (go dhuine) a' dúil le go gcreidfeadh sé iad; bíonn níos mó ná an ceart ar siúl aige; ní chreidtear é a leath gon am (duine tráthúil) (bean AOS). Adjectives Activities Feelings Personality Relationships Log in to hear
tréamánta focal atá tréamánta sa gcaint Abstract nouns Adjectives Conversation Feelings Language Log in to hear
treóir go múinfe tú treóir dúinn, give us guidance, direction, nuair a bhethá amú ar a' gcroc Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Language Verbs Log in to hear
trioll in idiom thit a' trioll ar a' treall agam, I was completely non-plussed Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
triomaigh níor thriomaigh sé ar aon charraic ariamh (an foightheach), always in the water, never seen on land or on a rock (great northern diver) Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Geographical terms Log in to hear
trom-chúis le trom-chúis adúirt sé é, for fun, humbugging (bean AOS); trom-chúis - grataí magaidh (AL). Contrast D. Activities Everyday phrases Folklore Language Feelings Log in to hear
truisle baineadh truisle as, he fell, stumbled Activities Verbs Feelings Adjectives Physical contact Log in to hear