Irish English Tags Audio
is breá an tír í It's a fine country Adjectives Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases The countryside
bíodh cinnte! be sure of it! Everyday phrases Feelings Adverbs Interjections Verbs
sin é an chaoí 'a bhfuil that's the way it is / goes Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings To be able to
ag deanamh go gceapfá I make it (I think) that you would think that Conversations Feelings Language Verbs Everyday phrases
lena bheath a shaorú to free his life (to relax?) Activities Feelings Rest and relaxation Verbs Life & death
agus labhair an tarbh leis and the bull spoke to him Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
agus dúirt sé go mbeadh leis and he said, that he would belong to him Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs Pronouns
"maith mar a tharla" ar seisean "good that it happened" says he Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Conversation Idioms
labhair an gabhar leofa the goat spoke to them Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
go mbeadh leofa that she would belong to them Relationships Verbs Feelings Abstract nouns Pronouns
agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh leis and the gandel said he would belong to them People Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs
agus dúirt an cat go mbeadh leofa and the cat said it would belong to them Animals People Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases
chonaic siad they saw Verbs Activities Pronouns Past participle Feelings
coileach a cock Animals Objects Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings
bhí an domhan san oíche it was very deep into the night Adverbs Time Weather Everyday phrases Feelings