Irish English Tags Audio
ina bhfaighfí ar rud... ina bhfaighfí ar duine ar bith, so I'll find out if there's someone there Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Verbs
teach na rubáil, a roinn siad. "it's the house of the stolen things", he impart to them Buildings Objects Feelings Activities Everyday phrases
gan rud taobh thiar de without anything behind him (no weapon?) Everyday phrases Feelings Adverbs Arguments Objects
agus chuir a learí (?) é and he put himself to rest Rest and relaxation Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases To be able to
agus ghabh 'a chodladh and he went to sleep Activities Verbs Rest and relaxation Everyday phrases Feelings
dúirt fear acu go dtiontófadh ar ais, le haghaidh an t-airgead one of them said he would turn back, on account of the money Conversation Feelings Money Verbs Relationships
bhí an teach dorcha the house was dark Adjectives Buildings Feelings Objects Weather
bhuail an chat, le brac a crúba, é the cat attacked him with its claws Animals Activities Verbs Feelings Physical contact
agus bhuail an gandal ghé lena sciathán é and the Gander hit him with his wing Activities Animals Verbs Physical contact Feelings
agus chaith taobh amuigh é and he thew him outside Activities Verbs Physical contact Feelings Everyday phrases
agus rith go tapa agus ' thiocfaidh leis and he ran as fast as he could Activities Adverbs Comparatives Verbs Feelings
agus dúirt go raibh ? and he said there was a ? Conversation People Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings
ach thit an fear amach go maith but the man happened out (came out of it) well Feelings People Everyday phrases Adverbs Physical contact
.. anois ach a chaith mise bliana thíos ansin agus but I spent 6 years down there and... Activities Time Feelings Conversation Life & death
'Bhfuil aon cuimhne agatsa ar shean-scéalta sa cheantar seo shean-bhéaloideas? Do you remember any old stories from this area or folklore? Folklore Conversation Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases