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Níl an cuimhniú dhomsa, ar an chéad doine a curthú ann I don't recall the first person to be buried here Life & death Feelings People Places Verbs
nuair a chaillfaí an duine when the person would die Life & death People Verbs Feelings Time
Bhíodh tórramh ann, ar feadh There used to be a wake Activities Life & death Everyday phrases Feelings Folklore
cónra (the) coffin Objects Life & death Buildings Feelings Religion
raibh aon sagart ann There was no priest People Religion Negation Everyday phrases Life & death
bhfuil a fhios agatsa anois, ca bhfuil na daoine curtha anseo, daoine a muintir leat fhéin do you know where your ancestors are buried here? Feelings People Life & death Relatives Geographical terms
an curtha, soir ag an mballa sin, soir The king is buried over to the east, at that wall there Places Buildings Life & death Geographical terms Time
mírtúnach child of about nine or ten years People Age Physical descriptions Family Life & death
rugadh agus tógadh thall i Sáile i was born and raised over in Sáile Life & death Places names Activities Verbs The home
bhí imithe, ach he was gone, but Feelings Conversation Life & death Past participle Adverbs
Chuaigh an tsagart ag léitheoireacht The priest went reading (studying) Activities People Verbs Feelings Life & death
nach spioraid mhaith é he's not a good spirit (he's possessed) Feelings Adjectives Life & death Activities People
ní fhacas, ba mhó é. (and he) was not seen, ever again Life & death Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Idiom
seisc bearach sheisc, heifer not in calf (MMt); seisc-capall, a dry mare (Sb). dry Animals Adjectives Farming life Food and drink Life & death Log in to hear
col sgartha divorce Abstract nouns Relationships Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear