Irish English Tags Audio
Agus an charraic And the rock is Objects Verbs Physical descriptions Everyday phrases The home
ach bhí na heangacha tógtha i gcoinne a but the nets were taken against it Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Activities Feelings
an áit a dtugann siad "the dock" ar, thíos anseo the place they call "the dock", down here. Place names The city Geographical terms Everyday phrases Objects
(mar) chaithfeá bosca maiteannaí as if you would throw up a box of matches Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Activities Objects
cónra (the) coffin Objects Life & death Buildings Feelings Religion
ghearrfeadh siad na cláratha they would cut the boards Verbs Objects Activities Timber To be able to
sna áit ina bhfuil na clocha geala in the the place where there are the bright stones Places Adjectives Astronomy Objects Geographical terms
naoinán baby in the cradle (up to about 1) Objects People The home Everyday phrases Age
Fadaígí tine mhaith ansin ye set a good fire there Activities Feelings Objects Verbs Everyday phrases
ar chúl na tine the back of the fire Objects The home Everyday phrases Places Adjectives
agus thug aithinneacha na tine and he brought the flames of the fire Activities Feelings Objects Verbs Weather
agus d'imigh ina mheadhair tine he went into a (ball?) of fire Activities Elements Feelings Objects Verbs
cnáimh do dhéid your jaw-bone Objects The body Relationships Physical descriptions Amount Log in to hear
géarán eye-tooth: cláir-fhiaclaí go dté tú go dtí an géarán Objects Anatomy Health Food and drink Colloquialisms Log in to hear
grabhar droch-mhóin (éadrom, geal), often with heather growing from the sod; it goes in dust Adjectives Plants Descriptive language Countryside Objects Log in to hear