Irish English Tags Audio
luas ar a' dá luas, immediately Adverbs Everyday phrases Prepositions Time Language Log in to hear
uair ar uair an dó dhéag, at twelve o' clock. Calendar & Seasons Time Prepositions Numbers Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ag an uair mhaith at the right time Time Prepositions Adjectives Everyday phrases
nuair a dhéananns muid áit dófa (dóibh) when we make space for them Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Relationships
ar fhad a' bhóthar along the road Prepositions Geographical terms The countryside Transport Everyday phrases
's nuair a tháinic coirnéal a' bhóthair and when he came to the corner of the road Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases Places Transportation
shiúil siad ar fhad a bhóthar they walked along the road Activities Verbs Prepositions The city Transport
agus chuir as siar, shroich siad and as they reached another bit further west Adverbs Geographical terms Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases
bhain said a' bóthair ar (?) chucu they took the road towards them Verbs Prepositions People Transportation Everyday phrases
Ghabh anonn he went over.. Verbs Prepositions Activities Everyday phrases Time
agus gabh an tarbh, taobh thíos don doras and the bull went under the door Animals Verbs Objects Everyday phrases Prepositions
agus nuair a thainic ag a' doras and when he arrived at the door Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Places
rith an chaoileach taobh amuigh as cionn an tigh the cock ran outside from over the house Animals Activities Place names Prepositions Verbs
fiche míle thart ar an teach twenty miles around the house Geographical terms Measurement The home Numbers Prepositions
sin thart ar em that's around... Everyday phrases Adverbs Amount Conversation Prepositions