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Is as an Pholainn é He is from Poland Geographical terms People Nationality To be able to Relationships Log in to hear
Cuireann muid ornáidíocht ar an amhrán ansin We ornament the song then Activities Music Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Beidh muid ag seoladh ár n-albam úr We will be launching our new album Activities Music People Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
A bheith inár n-aonar To be by ourselves Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Rest and relaxation To be able to Log in to hear
naoi gcéad bliain le bheith caití acu, 900 years to be spent by them. Amount Time Verbs People To be able to
le feiceál ag duine ar bith inniubh. to be seen by anyone today Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Time To be able to
go dtiompódh that would turn Verbs To be able to Activities
ghearrfeadh siad na cláratha they would cut the boards Verbs Objects Activities Timber To be able to
Bhí fear a mhúin There was a man who taught People Activities Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to
agus a bhualadh istigh and to hit him into Activities Verbs Physical contact Everyday phrases To be able to
gabháil má mbeitheá a' goil go bhata ar a' ngaoith ní thóigfeá é, if you were to beat the wind with a stick (do your very utmost), you would not be able to lift it beating Activities Feelings Idioms To be able to Verbs Log in to hear
ábalt Níl sé ar ábalt ' a sgríobh, he's not able to write it To be able to Verbs Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
bundún tá sé go bhundún air Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms To be able to Log in to hear
dreabháird níl dreabháird ar bith ar a' bhfear sin, níl dul amú ar bith air, there is no stray on him, i. he is well able to look after himself (said of a young lad out late at night, when his parents might be worring about him) (MMt); tá an bhó ar dreabháird, níl sí le fáil. Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Animals To be able to Log in to hear
greallach tá sé 'n-a ghreallach amháin Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases To be able to Interjections Log in to hear