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te teann rug siad ar a chéilí go te teann Adjectives Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
téad tá téad ar an asal agam, I have the ass tied by rope to stake out in the field (Sb); gamhain ar téad ní dheachaidh riamh 'un cinn (sean-ocal) (MCd), a staked calf never throve Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Farming life Verbs Log in to hear
teannta a choinneál i n-a theannta, to keep it together (money), not to spend any of it Everyday phrases Feelings Money Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
téigle (tá sé) i n-a chalam téigle, it is perfectly calm (said of the sea on a fine day); stoirim shamhraidh ná téigle gimhridh níl aon tseasamh orthaí (sean-ocal) (MMt), a summer storm or a winter calm will not last long. Adjectives Weather Idioms Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tóin tifí as tóin a chéilí, houses built one at the end of another Buildings Life & death Objects Geographical terms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tolladh a' tolladh, butting with horns, "pucking" (of cattle). Animals Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
tom tom a' t-éideadh as an uisce caisc (Sb), dip the scapular in the holy water. Activities Food and drink Religion Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
treóir go múinfe tú treóir dúinn, give us guidance, direction, nuair a bhethá amú ar a' gcroc Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Language Verbs Log in to hear
trioll in idiom thit a' trioll ar a' treall agam, I was completely non-plussed Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
triomaigh níor thriomaigh sé ar aon charraic ariamh (an foightheach), always in the water, never seen on land or on a rock (great northern diver) Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Geographical terms Log in to hear
triúr tá siad triúr Gallachúraí ann, there are three of those Gallaghers (EOM); muid triúr, the three of us (ML). Cf. libh-se ceathar, with the four of you (ML). Numbers People Everyday phrases Pronouns Relationships Log in to hear
trom-chúis le trom-chúis adúirt sé é, for fun, humbugging (bean AOS); trom-chúis - grataí magaidh (AL). Contrast D. Activities Everyday phrases Folklore Language Feelings Log in to hear
turachán níl ann ach turachán, páiste (ná colapach) nach mbeith aon fhás faoi Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
turus tuaithbheal turas a chuireas daoiní ar dhaoiní eile le spit Activities Relationships People Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
uain tá lot ar uain a cinn, there is a wound on the back of her head. Health Feelings Adjectives Physical descriptions Everyday phrases Log in to hear