Irish English Tags Audio
uair ar uair an dó dhéag, at twelve o' clock. Calendar & Seasons Time Prepositions Numbers Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bodghasúir tomboy Personality Everyday phrases People Adjectives Feelings
Bhíodh na páistí The children used to be (note pronunciation 'veef') People Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Past participle
Nuair a théadh siad dona scoile When they used to / would go to school Activities Everyday phrases School Verbs Time
(agus) Is minic a thugtaí ainmeacha ar leith ar gasúir mhóra It was often that special names would be given to big children Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives People Everyday phrases
scáití sometimes Adverbs Everyday phrases Time
bhuel, chuid acu théanns go Sasana well, some of them go to England Everyday phrases Geographical terms Adverbs Verbs People
's chuid acu dhéananns obair sa bhaile and some of them do work at home Activities Adverbs Everyday phrases Work The home
chuid mhaith acu ag iascaireacht a good few are fishermen Adjectives Animals People Work Everyday phrases
théann anois (he) doesn't go now Verbs Adverbs Everyday phrases To be able to Conversational
pósta, insa teach linn she is married, in the house here with us Adjectives Everyday phrases People The home Relationships
seisear chlann aici six children, she has Numbers People Pronouns Everyday phrases Relationships
ceann amháin one of them Pronouns Amount Everyday phrases
théann (he) doesn't go Verbs Activities Negation Pronouns Everyday phrases
ag saothrú gach working / labouring every day Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Work Time