Irish English Tags Audio
Déanann deifir, le fios he works fast, to be sure Adverbs Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases To be able to
Níos thig leis a freastail, corruair. More than he can attend to, sometimes Adverbs Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Activities
corruair sometimes Adverbs Everyday phrases Time
in amanna eile at other times / otherwise Everyday phrases Adverbs Time Comparatives Grammar
b'fhéidir gur doiligh duine a fháil maybe it was hard to get someone Feelings Activities Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs
eh, uilig all Amount Adverbs Everyday phrases Idioms Language
cruógach busy Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Personality Work
bhí ann, ar laethanta saoire I was there on holidays Everyday phrases Calendar & Seasons Feelings Verbs Places
is é it is Everyday phrases Grammar To be able to Verbs
is breá an tír í It's a fine country Adjectives Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases The countryside
bíodh cinnte! be sure of it! Everyday phrases Feelings Adverbs Interjections Verbs
bheul bhíodh well, (there) used to be Everyday phrases Interjections Verbs
ag an uair mhaith at the right time Time Prepositions Adjectives Everyday phrases
sin é an chaoí 'a bhfuil that's the way it is / goes Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings To be able to
nuair a dhéananns muid áit dófa (dóibh) when we make space for them Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Relationships