Irish English Tags Audio
"Á, a amadáin", ar seisean, "ghoidfeadh an fear sin a oiread aon oíche amháin is shaothrófá i gcaitheamh i do shaoil". "Ah, you fool," he said, "That man would earn in one night as much as you would earn your whole life,". Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adjectives Arguments
Níl in do... do chuid oibre ach (...). "Your work is nothing but (...)." Work Everyday phrases Feelings Argument To be able to
Bhuel, nuair a bhí an geall cailltí aige bhí gan éadach gan amharc. Well, when he had lost the bet he was naked and blind. Everyday phrases Feelings Life & death Activities Adjectives
Caithigí isteach sa gcoill mé, ar seisean, as amharc na ndaoiní sul bhfeicfí ar (...) an bhóthair mé. "Throw me into the woods," he said, "out of people's sight before I am seen on (...) of the road." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Places Verbs
Bhí ag iarraidh foscadh, ' siúl thart leis na... ' caint leis na coillte go bhfuair teach in áit a rabh cait fhiáin. He was looking for shelter, walking around the.... talking to the woods until he found a house in a place where there were wild cats. Activities Animals Buildings Countryside Feelings
Théigh é féin ag an tinidh agus fuaigh isteach faoin mbairille. He heated himself by the fire and he went in under the barrel. Activities Feelings The home Verbs Place names
Dúirt 'Fanfaidh anseo faoin mbairille seo a fhad agus bheas beo'. He said, "I'll stay here under this barrel while I am alive". Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Life & death
"Coinneoidh foscadh orm". "It will keep me sheltered." Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases To be able to Rest and relaxation
Tháinig na cait fhiáin isteach gan mórán moille i ndéidh a bheith amuigh ag seilg i rith an lae. The wild cats came in shortly after that having been out hunting for the day. Animals Activities Time Feelings Everyday phrases
'Dé a' scéal? arsa cat eicinteacht acu. "What's the story?" said one of the cats. Conversation Animals Everyday phrases Feelings People
(Ar seisean), cúig phunta, cúig mhíle dhéag de phuntaí de thíocht isteach aici sa bhliain. He said, "She has five pounds, fifteen thousand pounds of income per year". Money Numbers Everyday phrases Activities Feelings
Pósfaidh fear ar bith a leigheasfas í. "She will marry any man who will cure her". Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Ach sáróidh ar dhochtúirí na hÉireann a leigheas ach leigheasóidh mise í. "But all the doctors in Ireland will fail to cure her, but I will cure her". Feelings Health People Verbs Everyday phrases
rud beag (caitin) i bpoll agus tobar uisce ag bun crainn agus dhá bhfaghadh trí bhraon de le n-ól leigheasódh í. "There is a small (...) thing in a hole and and there is a well of water at the bottom of a tree and if she got three drops of it to drink it would cure her". Abstract nouns Adjectives Food and drink Objects Feelings
Bhuel, mhoithigh an fear seo a bhí faoin mbairille an chaint. Well, this man who was under the barrel heard the talk. People Everyday phrases Verbs Objects Feelings