Irish English Tags Audio
Agus ar ndóigh bhí ag an bhféile a rinne féin, a chuir féin i láthair - And of course, I was at the festival you yourself organized, that you yourself presented - Activities Conversation Feelings People Events
Bhí ag go leor acu na laethanta sin. I was at many of them in those days. Everyday phrases Feelings Time Amount People
'Bhfuil fhad thall anois i Tenerife, a bhfuil? Are you still far away now in Tenerife? Geographical terms Conversation Questions Time Feelings
Ó, a' bhfuil, bail ó Dhia ort, a' bhfuil? Bhoil, ar laethanta saoire a chuaigh tú. . . atá ann mar sin agus chúig bliana déag ann? Oh, have you, God bless you, have you? Well, you didn't go on holidays. . . you are there for fifteen years? Everyday phrases Greetings Feelings Life & death Conversations
ann anois go buan. I am there now permanently. Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time To be able to
Tá, tá. Yes, yes. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Adverbs
ar an bhfeirm faoi lathair. I am on the farm right now! Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Time Feelings
fhad ó tharraing luifearnach, a Mháirtín? How long has it been since you pulled weeds, Mháirtín? Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Farming life
An bhfuil a fhios agat céard é féin? Do you know what it is yourself? Conversation Everyday phrases Pronouns Feelings Interjections
a fhios agam céard é luifearnach ceart go leor. I know what weeds are, all right. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Language Verbs
Ach m'anam nach go maith an scaitheamh ó tharraing an luifearnach, But my soul, it's been a long time since I pulled any weeds, Feelings Activities Time Gardening Everyday phrases
Agus shíl nach raibh a leithéid de rud thall i Tenerife. And I thought there was no such thing over in Tenerife. Everyday phrases Feelings Places Conversation Geographical terms
Shíl mise nach raibh dada ann ach tránna agus. . . I thought there was nothing but beaches and. . . Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Feelings
dalladh dhi ann mar bhí ag báisteach le deireanach agus níl anois ann ach. . . There's plenty of it because it was raining recently and now there's nothing by. . . Everyday phrases Weather Feelings Activities Adverbs
Ach ag iarraidh fáil réidh léi inniu ná. . . agus amárach. But I am trying to get rid of it today and. . . and tomorrow. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Verbs