Irish English Tags Audio
agus ghabh 'a chodladh and he went to sleep Activities Verbs Rest and relaxation Everyday phrases Feelings
Ghabh an cat sa bhuaigh agus sa gcoirnéal the cat managed to get the corner Animals Verbs Everyday phrases Activities Objects
agus sheas an caora ag bun an doras and the sheep stood at the bottom of the door Animals Objects Places Adjectives Everyday phrases
agus gabh an tarbh, taobh thíos don doras and the bull went under the door Animals Verbs Objects Everyday phrases Prepositions
thiontaigh he turned around Activities Verbs Physical contact Adverbs Everyday phrases
agus nuair a thainic ag a' doras and when he arrived at the door Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Places
agus chuir sé a lámh síos and he put his hand down Physical contact Verbs The body Everyday phrases Relationships
le haghaidh a fódaí a thabhairt aníos for to bring up the sods (of turf) from below Activities Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases Objects
le solas a thabhairt to give light to it Verbs Activities Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases
agus léim anonn ag a drisúir and he jumped over to the dresser Activities Furniture Verbs Physical contact Everyday phrases
agus nuair a ghabh go doras eile and when he went to the other door Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Places The home
agus chaith taobh amuigh é and he thew him outside Activities Verbs Physical contact Feelings Everyday phrases
bhí an tarbh the bull was Animals Verbs Everyday phrases People Physical descriptions
chaith suas ar a chloigeann é he threw him up on his head Activities Physical contact Verbs Everyday phrases Body
agus fiór-slat ón teach é and he was a good many yards from the house Adjectives Amount The home Verbs Everyday phrases