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Corruair eile, bhíodh Pílí Cat ina shuí taobh thall agus é ag faire anall ar Sheán agus ag freagairt na gceisteanna a bhíodh Seán ag cur air. At other times, Pílí Cat would be sitting opposite him, watching Seán and answering the questions Seán would ask him. Activities Feelings Conversation People Everyday phrases
Nuair a bhíodh a sháith ite ag Pílí Cat, shíneadh siar ó chluais go ruball sa teallach agus chodlaíodh corr néal. When Pílí Cat had his fill of food, he would stretch out from ear to tail in the hearth and sleep for a while. Animals Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Rest and relaxation
Ar an taobh eile den scéal nuair a bhíodh an suipéar ite tráthnóna bhuaileadh Caolchat an bóthar amach ar an bpoll a bhí ar an doras iataí agus bhíodh amuigh ar feadh na hoích' agus sin an uair a laindeáleadh ar maidin nuair a bhíodh Seán ag éirí. "On the other side of the story, when supper was eaten in the evening, Skinny Cat would hit the road out through the hole in the closed door and would be out all night, and that's when he would return in the morning when John was getting up." Everyday phrases Animals Activities People Time
Isteach aríst ar an bpoll a bhí sa doras agus nuair a bhíodh an bricfeasta ite théadh suas agus shíneadh siar os comhair na tineadh agus ligeadh néal as a chlaigeann. Back in through the hole in the door, and when breakfast was eaten, he would go up and stretch out in front of the fire and let a puff of smoke from his head. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Objects Verbs
Bhíodh a bhonnaíochaí dóite sa luaith aige agus ba in é an fáth ar bhaist Seán Caolchat na Luathadh air. His pipe was always burnt out in the ashes, and that was why Seán Caolchat called him Luathadh (Ashes). Everyday phrases Feelings Names Idioms Objects
chorraíodh sa amach ach ag sneagaireacht cois na tineadh. He would not stir out by day but to be skulking by the fireside. Feelings Everyday phrases Activities Adverbs Verbs
Is éard a bhí ann cneámhaire, rógaire, falsóir agus leadaí. "He was a knave, a rogue, a liar, and a scoundrel." Adjectives People Personality Feelings Everyday phrases
Agus bhíodh féin agus Seán ag coinneál súile ar a chéilí agus rabh aon chorr gcuireadh Seán dhó nach bhfosclaíodh Caolchat leathshúil agus choinníodh súil ar Sheán. "And he and Seán would keep an eye on each other, and there wasn't a move Seán would make that Caolchat wouldn't open one eye and keep watch on Seán." Activities Feelings Relationships Verbs Everyday phrases
Agus bhí Seán ar an gcaoi chéanna leis. And Seán was the same way with him. Relationships People Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Lean sin dhó mar sin agus an oíche seo bhí Seán agus Pílí Cat cois na tineadh. "That continued for him in that way and this night Seán and Pílí Cat were by the fire." Adverbs People Everyday phrases Feelings The home
Agus ar ndóigh, bhí Caolchat imithe leis ó thit an oíche. And of course, Caolchat had gone off since night had fallen. Activities Time Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases
Bhí siad ag scéalaíocht agus caint agus ag comhrá mar a bhíodh siad i gcónaí. "They were storytelling and talking and chatting as they always used to." Activities Everyday phrases Conversation Verbs Feelings
"Ara", a deir Seán, "tá ag brú suas le aimsir na Nollag anois, amárach an Satharna Mór agus caithfidh muid a ghoil 'un an bhaile mhóir agus brógaí a fháil dhúinn féin. "Ara," says Seán, "it's getting close to Christmas now, tomorrow is the Big Saturday and we have to go to the big town and get shoes for ourselves. Everyday phrases Feelings Calendar & Seasons Activities People
Teastaíonn brógaí go géar ar ndóigh ó Chaolchat. "Caolchat really needs shoes, of course." Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Objects People
Feicim go bhfuil a bhonnaíochaí bruite dóite aige sa luaith agus an geimhreadh ag tíocht, b'fhéidir go n-éireodh a chosaí nimhneach. "I see that his soles are burnt and scorched in the ashes and with winter coming, perhaps his feet would become frostbitten." Feelings Verbs Health Weather Everyday phrases