Irish English Tags Audio
Agus bhí fíor, And it was true, Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Verbs
Agus chuaigh ag foghlaim na teanga seo, And I went learning this language, Activities Language Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
chreideann mé. If you believe me. Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Idioms
'Sea, agus cén sort teanga é? Yes, and what kind of language is it? Conversation Language Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
Ag feadaíl? Is ea? Whistling? Indeed? Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Noise and sounds
Is ea, bíonn siad ag feadaíl le chéile le haghaidh rud ar bith a le chéile, Indeed, they whistle to each other to say anything to each other, Everyday phrases Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings
bhíonn siad i bhfad ó chéile. If they are far from each other. Adverbs Prepositions Pronouns Relationships Feelings
Agus dhá mbeadh tusa anois. . . dhá mbeadh gabhar 'adsa anois, And if you were now. . . if you had a goat now, Animals Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to Likes & dislikes
Cén chaoi an ngabhfá dhá mhíniú sin i bhfeadaíl dhó? How would you explain that to him by whistling? Activities Conversation Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Go díreach, tuigthe 'ad. Exactly, you understand it. Conversation Everyday phrases Adverbs Feelings Verbs
Bhoil, is ea, sin é rud. . . ceist a bhíonns ann go minic, Well, yes, that's a thing. . . a question that often comes up, Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Interjections Arguments
chailleann mar shampla gabhar éicint, If you lose, for example, some goat, Animals Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs
Bheifeá in ann feadaíl ag an bhfear, b'fheidir, ag an gcomharsa, ag leis - You could whistle at the man, maybe, at the neighbor, saying to him - Activities People Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings
"An bhfaca an gabhar liath liom" rud, cibé fhéin é, "Have you seen my gray goat" or something, whatever it is, Animals Adjectives Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
A' gcreideann ina dtaibhsaí - an taibhse? Do you believe in ghosts? Conversation Feelings Religion Folklore Questions