Irish English Tags Audio
ar chaoí éicint, agus .. in some way, and... Everyday phrases Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Abstract nouns
bhí imithe, ach he was gone, but Feelings Conversation Life & death Past participle Adverbs
agus ag ghoil thart and going around Activities Verbs Adverbs
agus 'bhfuil a fhios agat anois an do you know now? Everyday phrases Greeting Conversation Adverbs Questions
ach d'fhadaigh but (it) was set Verbs Adverbs Abstract nouns Past participle Everyday phrases
D'imigh as an n-amharc He went out of sight Activities Adverbs Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases
ach ab ea gur chuir sibh cuireadh orm but it was because you invited me Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Conversation Adverbs
balach exactly Adverbs Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bun bárr entirely, totally Adverbs Amount Comparatives Everyday phrases Emphasis Log in to hear
tur dry, without condiment Adjectives Food and drink Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Adverbs Log in to hear
cúrsaí ach cúrsaí airigead dó, bhí neart aige, but as for money, he had plenty of it. as regards Feelings Everyday phrases Money Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
taithí tá sé a' taithí sa teach seo go mór .i. a ghoil ar chuairt ann go minic; is teann é an madadh geárr san áit a mbíonn a thaithí (sean-ocal) (MMt). Cf. D. s. v. madadh. act of frequenting Activities Feelings Adverbs People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
aireachtáil (tá mé) gam aireachtáil go maith, I am feeling well Feelings Adverbs Verbs Everyday phrases Health Log in to hear
ala ar ala na huaire, immediately, without delay Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time Idioms Log in to hear
am i n-amanna, eidir amaí, occasionally, sometimes. Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time Likes & dislikes Log in to hear