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bruídeáil bruídeáileann sé .i. anfíogach (Sb), meaning that the dogfish is viviparous, giving birth to its young alive and not by laying eggs. Animals Adjectives Feelings Verbs Life & death Log in to hear
cleamáil a' cleamáil gamhnaí, sqeezing calves, i. castrating with burdizzo. Activities Animals Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cleiteach tá an garla cleiteach ar a' gcirc, the hen is in her pen-feathers Animals Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Places Log in to hear
cluanach a' chluanach dhearg, knot-grass, red-legs, polygonum persicaria; a' chluanach bhán, pale-flowered knot-grass, polygonum lapathifolium: spot geal air. D. gives glúineach dhearg, persicaria, which seems to be taken from N. Colgan 'Gaelic Plant and Animal Names', in Section 1 of Clare Island Survey. Plants Animals Geographical terms Food and drink Everyday phrases Log in to hear
colg 'Tá colg air' adéarfaí faoi mhadadh a bheith ag goil a' troid, with the hair standing (ruffled) on him, ready for fight. Feelings Animals Facial expressions Adjectives Activities Log in to hear
cúb tá cúb aicí, said of a pup lying between the forelegs of its mother. Activities Animals Feelings Relationships The body Log in to hear
déin in phr. faoi dhéin(t), for, to get, collect especially animals: faoi dhéin caorach, to collect sheep (on mt): faoi n-a ndéint (to go) for them, i. cows on hill. ar fháirnis, to get, is used in reference to eggs: be' mé ag goil suas ar fháirnis uibheachaí, to get some eggs (at a house) Activities Animals Everyday phrases Food and drink Verbs Log in to hear
dóghín an dóghín, the little miserable two (of diamonds), dó + ín. Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Folklore Numbers Log in to hear
dreabháird níl dreabháird ar bith ar a' bhfear sin, níl dul amú ar bith air, there is no stray on him, i. he is well able to look after himself (said of a young lad out late at night, when his parents might be worring about him) (MMt); tá an bhó ar dreabháird, níl sí le fáil. Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Animals To be able to Log in to hear
éisteallach duine éisteallach, fastidious person (Sb); in particular a horse that won't drink from a smelly bucket is said to be éisteallach, or a cow (MMt), (AL). Adjectives Animals Feelings Folklore Proverbs Log in to hear
fídeáil a' fídeáil cearc, feeding hens Activities Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases Work Log in to hear
fobhthaí fofaí ag a chéilí, an t-olc istigh acú dá chéilí (TmB); cho fofaí le madadh, ready for fight. Everyday phrases Folklore Animals Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
friotach is friotach a' lá é .i. giobach, breezy with cold biting wind (CN); also of dog: madadh . . friotach, with hair standing on him (ready for fight). Adjectives Animals Feelings Weather Idioms Log in to hear
gabhlóg dhearag 2" long with spread tail Measurement Adjectives Objects Animals Physical descriptions Log in to hear
garrdha tá gáraidh thart ar a' ngealaigh, there is a ring round the moon (a bad sign of weather). Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Animals Superstitions Log in to hear