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gabháil má mbeitheá a' goil go bhata ar a' ngaoith ní thóigfeá é, if you were to beat the wind with a stick (do your very utmost), you would not be able to lift it beating Activities Feelings Idioms To be able to Verbs Log in to hear
broc chomh fallsa le broc, as lasy as a badger. badger Animals Adjectives Idioms Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
aifir nár aifridh Dia ort é, God forgive you; ní aifreó mé ort é, I'll forgive you for it (TmB) avenge Feelings Religion Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cúrsaí ach cúrsaí airigead dó, bhí neart aige, but as for money, he had plenty of it. as regards Feelings Everyday phrases Money Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
draoi d'ólfadh sé an draoi; cf. the Westmeath Engl. Idiom: he'd drink Loch Érin dry. an unlimited quantity (of drink) Idioms Abstract nouns Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fealladh tá sí a' fealladh, i. cow affected by the garla trua; tá an croí a' fealladh air, his heart is failing act of failing (in health) Activities Health Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
péice g'fhear a half-fool of a man, a 'gom' Adjectives People Feelings Idioms Proverbs Log in to hear
pláigh air a common curse Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Folklore Idioms Log in to hear
stocaire níor tóigeadh ar stocaireacht (é) a cadger cadging for money or drink Activities Feelings Idioms Likes & dislikes Verbs Log in to hear
ala ar ala na huaire, immediately, without delay Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time Idioms Log in to hear
alam 'paéir tá sé lán le alam 'paéir, full of devilment Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Plants Idioms Log in to hear
amháin in phrase h-é amháin from ní h-é amháin, not to mention, even: d'ólfainn sláinte madadh as Éire, h-é amháin amadán as Éire; bhéarfainn punt dó h-é amháin sciling, I'd give him a pound not to mention a shilling. h-é amháin is often used finally at the end of an utterance meaning 'even'. Everyday phrases Language Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
angar .i. droch-seileadh bróch (MCd); seileadh agus angar .i. diachair (MMt) Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Idioms Language Log in to hear
aoibhinn Dia is aoibhinn Dia dhó, 'tis happy for him, well for him. Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Idioms Religious expressions Log in to hear
árach níl aon árach agam air, I cannot help it. Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idioms Activities Log in to hear