Irish English Tags Audio
luas ar a' dá luas, immediately Adverbs Everyday phrases Prepositions Time Language Log in to hear
mac a' pheata chuile mhac a' pheat' acú, every one of them, every mother's son of them Everyday phrases Feelings People Language Relationships Log in to hear
muc a' mhuc rua agus a' mhuc mhín: muca rua, scaly fish, bréams i mBéarla; dath silvery orthú: cho geal le scudán; same name in French (Wm) (perh. he had heard 'roussseau' from a French fisherman). a' mhuc mhín has no scales: níl aon lannach' orthú Animals Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
oiread ach orad leat héin, ní maith liom gleó (CN); no more than yourself, I don't like noise; ach orad leat héin, tá teangaidh mhath Ghaeilge aicí; ní rabh aon toirt ionntú ach orad le cuileógaí; ach orad le ceann cailleadh go hóg é, (cf. Hiberno-English) no more than another, he died young, i. like many another (PR). Everyday phrases Conversational Feelings Idioms Language Log in to hear
pléata níl ann ach pléata go dhuine Everyday phrases Comparatives Language Feelings People Log in to hear
reamhar ná tóig oram í .i. caint reamhar, rough speech, using curse-words, etc. Everyday phrases Feelings Language Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
seamair a' tseamhair Mhuire, ceire dilleógaí orthaí (Sb), the four-leaved shamrock (AL). Plants Folklore Animals Language Abstract nouns Log in to hear
sónraidh thóig mé sónraí dó, I observed it, took notice of it Activities Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
tréamánta focal atá tréamánta sa gcaint Abstract nouns Adjectives Conversation Feelings Language Log in to hear
treóir go múinfe tú treóir dúinn, give us guidance, direction, nuair a bhethá amú ar a' gcroc Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Language Verbs Log in to hear
trom-chúis le trom-chúis adúirt sé é, for fun, humbugging (bean AOS); trom-chúis - grataí magaidh (AL). Contrast D. Activities Everyday phrases Folklore Language Feelings Log in to hear
Bhíodh na páistí The children used to be (note pronunciation 'veef') People Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Past participle
eh, uilig all Amount Adverbs Everyday phrases Idioms Language
ag deanamh go gceapfá I make it (I think) that you would think that Conversations Feelings Language Verbs Everyday phrases
Is é an t-ainm anois atá ar an bhfear seo Padraic, Phádraic Thomáis Ó Raghallaigh, The name of this man is now Padraic, Phádraic Thomáis Ó Raghallaigh, People Names Conversation Everyday phrases Language