Irish English Tags Audio
deascadh dregs, lees Abstract nouns Food and drink Objects Log in to hear
brocach tá d'éadan bróch brocach salach dirty, filthy Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Objects Language Log in to hear
deabhal in the alliterative doublet deabhal ná deamhan / diún/ devil Folklore Language Idioms Objects Adjectives Log in to hear
cambaí bhí cambaí ann (MC); na cambaí daoiní (a host of fairies) ar a' tsraith sin ar chúl a' droichidín (Wm) crowd(s), host(s) Folklore Animals Feelings Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
criogaire cricket (BS); she has the same pronunciation for 'cigire'. Activities Language People Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
conacra conacre Farming life Land Agriculture Geographical terms Objects Log in to hear
gearlachán collar-bone Anatomy The body Objects Log in to hear
alt thuit sé le alt, fell over the cliff into the sea. cliff Geographical terms The seashore Objects Disaster Nature Log in to hear
séin bhí séin leis, he had a chain (the vet.) for pulling calf chain Animals Activities Objects People Health Log in to hear
cláimín Around Balla the horns of cora bocs (i.e. mountain sheep) ar called cáimíns. cane or light stick taken to children when bold Animals Everyday phrases Geographical terms Objects Folklore Log in to hear
tseof! tseof! call word used for sheep Animals Objects Everyday phrases Language Verbs Log in to hear
pluc coise calf of leg Anatomy Parts of the body Physical descriptions Animals Objects Log in to hear
cruach Pháraic broad-leaved plantain Plants Objects Adjectives Countryside Geographical terms Log in to hear
bríce chomh díreach leis a' mbríce brick Prepositions Objects Adjectives Everyday phrases Construction Log in to hear
caindéal bottom of barrel (stanna) Objects Everyday phrases Idioms Activities Feelings Log in to hear