Irish English Tags Audio
sneáthadán slim skinny light person Adjectives People Physical descriptions Likes & dislikes Personality
éitreórach light inactive person Adjectives People Feelings Personality
bodach / drochbhodach big strong lad who is argumentative Adjectives People Personality Arguments Physical descriptions
cruógach busy Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Personality Work
gabhar a goat Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Life & death Personality
Is éard a bhí ann cneámhaire, rógaire, falsóir agus leadaí. "He was a knave, a rogue, a liar, and a scoundrel." Adjectives People Personality Feelings Everyday phrases
Goidé an sórt fear thú féin? What kind of a man are you yourself?" Conversation Feelings Personality Questions Relationships
Bhuail fear an chneastacht (...). The honest man (...). Adjectives People Personality Feelings Everyday phrases