Irish English Tags Audio
ag imeacht dhuithe going away from her Activities Verbs Relationships Adverbs Physical contact
nach rabh ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Feelings Relationships
agus ansin thoisódh na fir and then the men would start Activities People Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships
chupla fear a few men Amount People Relationships Adjectives Everyday phrases
tá's, a fhios agam Oh I know, I know Interjections Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Relationships
daoine muintreach my relatives People Relationships The family Everyday phrases Pronouns
mar duine eile, mar a chuid eile like someone else, like the rest of them Likes & dislikes Comparatives Everyday phrases Relationships Conversation
agus tiocfaidh mise tráthnóna and I'll come for him in the evening. Activities Everyday phrases Time Verbs Relationships
breith ar an bpáiste judge the child Activities People Feelings Verbs Relationships
ina chosa leis in his legs with him Physical contact Pronouns Parts of the body Relationships Everyday phrases
"sin í máthair an Diabhail" ar ndóiche "this is the mother of the devil" of course Expressions Folklore Relationships Everyday phrases Idioms
"sin í an Chaorthanach", a dúirt sé, "a bhí istigh agaibh" you had the Chaorthanach in with ye Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Relationships Adjectives
ach ab ea gur chuir sibh cuireadh orm but it was because you invited me Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Conversation Adverbs
cnáimh do dhéid your jaw-bone Objects The body Relationships Physical descriptions Amount Log in to hear
col sgartha divorce Abstract nouns Relationships Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear