Irish English Tags Audio
Uaitse a chuala sa gcéad uair é, an ceann sin. I first heard it from you, that one. Conversation Feelings Relationships Everyday phrases Time
Ab ea? Was it? Conversational Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections Questions
Fear Rath Cairn, ar mh'anam, is ea. Rath Cairn man, by god (my soul), he is. People Feelings Idiom Interjections Everyday phrases
Á, bhí thar cionn, nach raibh? Ach oiread leat féin. Ah, it was excellent, wasn't it? Just like yourself. Everyday phrases Adjectives Feelings Conversation Interjections
Is as Cathair Na Mart mé. I am from Westport. Geographical terms The city People Pronouns Everyday phrases
Muise ab ea? Really, is that so? Adverbs Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Feelings
Bhí, ar ndóigh, agus chomh maith leis. . . is ea, bhí cupla siamsa acu i gCarna chuile. . . bhoil, chuile bhliain, agus bhí ansin I was, of course, and as well as. . . yes, they had a few entertainments in Carna every. . . well, every year, and I was there Everyday phrases Time Places Activities Feelings
sin í an áit ar casadh orm Dara Bán, blianta ó shin, beannacht lena anam. that's where I met Dara Bán, years ago, God rest his soul. People Feelings Life & death Everyday phrases Time
Bhí ag go leor acu na laethanta sin. I was at many of them in those days. Everyday phrases Feelings Time Amount People
Blianta ó shin, ar ndóigh. Years ago, of course. Calendar & Seasons Time Everyday phrases Interjections Past participle
abhus anois le cúig bliana déag. I have been here for fifteen years now. Time People Amount Everyday phrases Life & death
Ó, a' bhfuil, bail ó Dhia ort, a' bhfuil? Bhoil, ar laethanta saoire a chuaigh tú. . . atá ann mar sin agus chúig bliana déag ann? Oh, have you, God bless you, have you? Well, you didn't go on holidays. . . you are there for fifteen years? Everyday phrases Greetings Feelings Life & death Conversations
ann anois go buan. I am there now permanently. Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Time To be able to
Tá, tá. Yes, yes. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Adverbs
Is ea. Indeed. Everyday phrases Interjections