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Agus cén sort ceird ort atá ort ann? And what kind of work do you do there? Activities Conversation Work Questions Everyday phrases
Bhoil, faoi lathair ag feliméaracht ann. Well, currently I am farming there. Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs
ar an bhfeirm faoi lathair. I am on the farm right now! Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Time Feelings
Go dtí chúig nóiméad ó shin bhí ag tarraingt luifearnach. Until five minutes ago I was pulling weeds. Activities Time Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases
fhad ó tharraing luifearnach, a Mháirtín? How long has it been since you pulled weeds, Mháirtín? Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Farming life
An bhfuil a fhios agat céard é féin? Do you know what it is yourself? Conversation Everyday phrases Pronouns Feelings Interjections
a fhios agam céard é luifearnach ceart go leor. I know what weeds are, all right. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Language Verbs
Ach m'anam nach go maith an scaitheamh ó tharraing an luifearnach, But my soul, it's been a long time since I pulled any weeds, Feelings Activities Time Gardening Everyday phrases
Agus shíl nach raibh a leithéid de rud thall i Tenerife. And I thought there was no such thing over in Tenerife. Everyday phrases Feelings Places Conversation Geographical terms
Shíl mise nach raibh dada ann ach tránna agus. . . I thought there was nothing but beaches and. . . Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Feelings
dalladh dhi ann mar bhí ag báisteach le deireanach agus níl anois ann ach. . . There's plenty of it because it was raining recently and now there's nothing by. . . Everyday phrases Weather Feelings Activities Adverbs
níos luifearnach rud ar bith eile ar an bhfeirm faoi láthair. There's more weeds than anything else on the farm at the moment. Abstract nouns Farming life Comparatives Amount Everyday phrases
Ach ag iarraidh fáil réidh léi inniu ná. . . agus amárach. But I am trying to get rid of it today and. . . and tomorrow. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Verbs
a' ghoil thart á tarraingt, agus leis an strimmer chomh maith. I'm going around pulling it, and with the strimmer as well. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Tools Work
Muise, ab ea? Really, is that so? Adverbs Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings