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Agus an bhfuil beithígh agat ansin, an bhfuil, agus rudaí? And do you have cattle there, do you, and things? Animals Questions Everyday phrases Farming life Conversation
Níl, ar ndóigh. No, of course not. Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Adverbs Feelings
Bhíodh cearca agam, agus rudaí beaga mar sin, agus coiníní, ach níl aon ainmhí mór agam. I used to have chickens, and small things like that, and rabbits, but I don't have any big animals. Animals Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Farming life Objects
Níl. No. Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections Likes & dislikes
Ach i gcónaí bhínn ag plé leis na cearca agus na héanlaithe. But I was always dealing with the chickens and the birds. Activities Animals Farming life Everyday phrases Feelings
Ó, ab ea? Oh, really? Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings
Is ea. An bhfuil mórán cearca 'ad, a' bhfuil? Indeed. Do you have many chickens, do you? Everyday phrases Animals Conversation Feelings Questions
Níl faoi láthair, ach bhíodh i gcónai. Not at the moment, but I used to always. Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Adverbs Time
Bhíodh go leor acu agam, ach faoi láthair níl aon cheann agam, agus ag iarraidh é sin a athrú. I used to have a lot of them, but at the moment I don't have any, and I'm trying to change that. Everyday phrases Feelings Likes & dislikes Verbs Adverbs
B'fhéidir an chéad mhí eile, b'fhéidir go bhfaighidh scata cearca, le cúnamh Dé. Maybe next month, maybe I'll get a batch of chickens, God willing. Calendar & Seasons Animals Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases
raibh mise thall i Tenerife ariamh, ach a fhios agam go dtéann go leor anonn ann ar a laethanta saoire. I have never been over in Tenerife, but I know many go there on their holidays. Everyday phrases Travel Feelings Places Calendars & Seasons
An bhfuil tusa anois gar den áit a dtéann daoine ar a laethanta saoire ann? Are you now near the place where people go on their holidays? Conversation Questions Places Activities Everyday phrases
Bhoil, níl i ndáiríre. Well, not really. Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Feelings
mise ar an taobh eile den oileán. I'm on the other side of the island. Geographical terms Prepositions Place names Everyday phrases The seashore
Ó thuaidh. Is iad. . . Ó dheas a théanns na daoine ar a laethanta saoire, North. They go. . . They go south on their holidays, Geographical terms Activities Time Travel Everyday phrases