Irish English Tags Audio
seithe brógaí seitheadh, shoes made of raw hide hide focailfholaithe Log in to hear
an mhuing mheara hemlock (Sb); this is exactly the same form as that used by Seaghán Mac Meanman in Ó Chamhaoir go Clap-sholus, p. 211; it seems to be due to popular etymology. focailfholaithe Log in to hear
colpach bainne 'un a' laoigh agus féar 'un na colpaí´ (sean-ocal) heifer focailfholaithe Log in to hear
ceó bruithinn heat haze in fine weather focailfholaithe Log in to hear
gríscín heart and lungs go chirc focailfholaithe Log in to hear
scrúd léithe he took pity on her, had compassion for her focailfholaithe Log in to hear
air bhí sé air aige he had got to do it (?) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
cead a'bhealaigh have nothing to do with him, let him alone, don't heed him focailfholaithe Log in to hear
giobach tá sé giobach. harsh, with biting north wind focailfholaithe Log in to hear
dolaidh said of weather: níl aon dolaidh air, it won't rain much harm, damage focailfholaithe Log in to hear
a' tárlú happening focailfholaithe Log in to hear
gnaoidhiúil níl sí beag gnaoidhiúil ná mór gránna, she is neither small and handsome nor big and plain, she has nothing attractive in her favour. Contrast the meaning 'pleasant, hospitable' in Cois Fhairrge, Co. Galway. handsome, good-looking: focailfholaithe Log in to hear
toisigh half-soles (of shoes) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
féasóg for a full flowing beard the term is 'cab'. hair on face as before shaving, e.g. two days' beard;for a full flowing beard the term is 'cab' focailfholaithe Log in to hear
folt tá folt mór ar a' mbó sin hair (on animal) focailfholaithe Log in to hear