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muc a' mhuc rua agus a' mhuc mhín: muca rua, scaly fish, bréams i mBéarla; dath silvery orthú: cho geal le scudán; same name in French (Wm) (perh. he had heard 'roussseau' from a French fisherman). a' mhuc mhín has no scales: níl aon lannach' orthú Animals Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
oirthí an oirthí mhór /ǝN´ er´hi: wo:r/ agus an oirthí bheag seem to refer to two particular pieces of land, i. they are the names of two pieces of rich fertile land. Cf. the Erris adj. for fertile 'oireamhail' / ˡer´hu: l´/, D. Additions I, aireamhail. Geographical terms Plants Feelings Countryside Food and drink Log in to hear
péic an phéic, fox's brush is recorded by C. Bairéad from the Achréidh in Béaloideas, xxvii, 125. Cf. i bpéic an mhadra alla in Dic Buiréad's Tarraingt na Mónadh, IE, t. 532. Animals Folklore Geographical terms People Food and drink Log in to hear
plancadh tá sí a' plancadh féir anois, of cow eating her hay with gusto, or ravenously (AL). mhoithigh mé plancadh ó mhaidin .i. loscadh gunnaí (TmB). Activities Animals Feelings Food and drink Verbs Log in to hear
reimhe is raimhe fuil 'ná uisce Food and drink Everyday phrases Folklore Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
rúscadh a' rúscadh le fataí, a' baint fataí (cf. a' plé le fataí i n-áiteanna eile); a' rúscadh leóf, playing with them (children). Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases People Relationships Log in to hear
salann 'sé an salann soir é géadhaí Iorrais thíocht go hEacaill (MC), it is like coals to Newcastl (sean-ocal). Idioms Folklore Comparatives Places Food and drink Log in to hear
scioll go sciolla tú é .i. an fheóil a bhaint dhá chrámhaí Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
scrachóg an mhadaidh uisc' spaga a dhéanamh de, agus bé' do phócaí lán i gcónaí, the otter's bladder (?), make a purse of it and your pockets will be always full (of money) Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Proverbs Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
slám slám olainne, a roll of wool tuairim 's punt (TmB); slám ceó, a piece of fog or foggy cloud. Objects Food and drink Weather Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
spideóg a' cathamh spideógaí Objects Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Animals Log in to hear
stácadh a' stácadh, ag ithe aibéil (AC); i n-amhrán:- Tá doiminic agus Seán ag goil stácadh dhá chathamh .i. dhá chathamh go dian (AOS). Activities Food and drink Adjectives Verbs People Log in to hear
tolladh a' tolladh, butting with horns, "pucking" (of cattle). Animals Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
tom tom a' t-éideadh as an uisce caisc (Sb), dip the scapular in the holy water. Activities Food and drink Religion Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gabhar a goat Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Life & death Personality