Irish English Tags Audio
me go maith, mh'anam. I am well, by god (my soul). Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Language To be able to
Nach breá an Gaeilgeoir, bail ó Dhia air, atá thall i Tenerife? Isn't he a fine Irish speaker, God bless him, over in Tenerife? Adjectives Conversation Feelings Geographical terms Language
a fhios agam céard é luifearnach ceart go leor. I know what weeds are, all right. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Language Verbs
Nach mbídís ag trácht ar an. . . fíon, ar an bhfíon Spáinneach. Don't they be talking about the. . . wine, the Spanish wine. Everyday phrases Food and drink Language Conversation Adjectives
ceann amháin acu...chuala go raibh cineál teanga abhus anseo. one of them...I heard there was a kind of language over here. Everyday phrases Language Conversation People Feelings
Agus chuaigh ag foghlaim na teanga seo, And I went learning this language, Activities Language Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Teanga na feadaíola, The whistling language, Language Abstract nouns Adjectives Activities Noise and sounds
'Sea, agus cén sort teanga é? Yes, and what kind of language is it? Conversation Language Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
Is ea, is í an Spáinnis, ach in áit a bheith á labhairt, bíonn daoine á fheadaíl. Yes, it is Spanish, but instead of speaking it, people whistle it. Everyday phrases Language Activities Adjectives Communication