Irish English Tags Audio
blocán a'bhuaidh block of cork on a buoy Objects Seashore wildlife Transport Materials Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bréan-lóib black rotten bog matter under blown sand at sea-edge. The slip (céibh) should have been built on rocks, but instead it was built on the bréanlóib, consequently had no proper foundation and did not last. Adjectives Geographical terms Objects Places Farming life Log in to hear
snaidhm buaic binding of face of corpse Body Life & death Activities Objects Physical contact Log in to hear
crios belt (on sheaf of corn), but a soldier's belt is beilt. Objects Food and drink Activities Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
giúraí ar adhmad fhásas na giúraí; an chéad chót' - caonach, an dara cót' - giúraí, an tríhú cót' - má sheasann a' t-adhmad barnacles (on timber) Activities Objects Plants Animals The seashore Log in to hear
brionglán barb (on wire) Objects Farming life Tools Materials Transport Log in to hear
sáilín ar éanachaí géadh gearrfa muid a' sáilín gon ghé, we'll cut off the 'sáilín', for identification purposes back-toe on goslings Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Animals Objects Log in to hear
cuais at seashore, hole wherein crab is found Geographical terms Seashore wildlife Objects Activities Animals Log in to hear
bacóg bacóg mhónadh ar leathláimh, brosna eidir a' dá láimh (TmB); thug sé leath na cruaiche leis g'ea(n)-bhacóg amháin. armful of turf Activities Objects Farming life Everyday phrases Food and drink Log in to hear
oirnis apparatus for weaving, all the gear connected with the loom Objects Activities Clothes Tools Furniture Log in to hear
cailleach a súgán rolled up Objects Clothes Activities Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
eireóg a pullet Animals Food and drink Life & death Farming life Objects Log in to hear
ceirthín a plaster: plástar a chuirfeá le cois tinn. Objects Everyday phrases Health Verbs Feelings Log in to hear
toghadóir a picker (of potatoes) Activities Farming life Objects People Verbs Log in to hear
tonnc a nudge, butt (from bull) Animals Objects Feelings Physical contact Everyday phrases Log in to hear