Irish English Tags Audio
is breá an tír í It's a fine country Adjectives Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases The countryside
ar fhad a' bhóthar along the road Prepositions Geographical terms The countryside Transport Everyday phrases
gandal ghé...ghé a male goose...goose Animals People Adjectives Geographical terms Food and drink
agus chuir as siar, shroich siad and as they reached another bit further west Adverbs Geographical terms Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases
agus gabh an coileach suas, mullach an tigh, taobh amuigh and the rooster went up, on top of the house, outside Animals Buildings Geographical terms Verbs The home
fiche míle thart ar an teach twenty miles around the house Geographical terms Measurement The home Numbers Prepositions
Bhí conaí ar an oileáin seo, i bhfad roimhe cuimhne sínseara na bhfear seo. There were people living on the island long before the ancestors of these men People Place names Life & death History Geographical terms
'Bhfuil aon cuimhne agatsa ar shean-scéalta sa cheantar seo shean-bhéaloideas? Do you remember any old stories from this area or folklore? Folklore Conversation Geographical terms Feelings Everyday phrases
Corruair gcasfaí 'na bhaile mhóir é gheobhadh chupla coinneal ach go hannamh a bhíodh sa mbaile mór. Sometimes if he found himself in the big town, he would get a couple of candles but he was rarely in the big town. Adverbs Everyday phrases Geographical terms Feelings Objects
agus i Tenerife na laethanta seo. and he is in Tenerife these days. Geographical terms Time People Everyday phrases Places
Sin Darach Ó Cathain, as . . . fear Rath Cairn? That's Darach Ó Cathain, from. . . Rath Cairn man? People Geographical terms Conversation Identifiers Place names
Nach breá an Gaeilgeoir, bail ó Dhia air, atá thall i Tenerife? Isn't he a fine Irish speaker, God bless him, over in Tenerife? Adjectives Conversation Feelings Geographical terms Language
Cen ait i gContae Maigh Eo ar ais a dhuit? Where in County Mayo are you from again? Geographical terms Conversation People Questions Places
Is as Cathair Na Mart mé. I am from Westport. Geographical terms The city People Pronouns Everyday phrases
'Bhfuil fhad thall anois i Tenerife, a bhfuil? Are you still far away now in Tenerife? Geographical terms Conversation Questions Time Feelings