Irish English Tags Audio
bliain d'haois she's a year old Age People Adjectives Life & death Time
an ceann is sine trí bliana déag the oldest one is thirteen Adjectives Numbers Life & death Comparatives Feelings
lena bheath a shaothrú, to earn his living Activities Feelings Rest and relaxation Verbs Life & death
gabhar a goat Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Life & death Personality
agus dúirt an gabhar and the goat said Animals Conversation Verbs Folklore Life & death
nuair a bhí na rubálaidhe, imigh tamaill ón teach when the robbers were gone a while from the house Activities Buildings People Time Life & death
.. anois ach a chaith mise bliana thíos ansin agus but I spent 6 years down there and... Activities Time Feelings Conversation Life & death
bhíodh ar súil an t-am sin it used to be happening at the time Everyday phrases Time Verbs Activities Life & death
Bhí conaí ar an oileáin seo, i bhfad roimhe cuimhne sínseara na bhfear seo. There were people living on the island long before the ancestors of these men People Place names Life & death History Geographical terms
Goidé an sórt deis theacht i dtír atá agad?. "What kind of means have you to live on?" Everyday phrases Questions Life & death Money Verbs
Fear cneasta cruaidh oibre atá ionam, ag iarraidh mo bheatha a tharraingt leis an (...) (cneasta). "I am an honest hard working man trying to spend my life with the (...). Adjectives Feelings People Relationships Life & death
Robálaí. "A robber." People Abstract nouns Objects Adjectives Life & death
Bhí fear...Ghoidfinn a oiread aon oíche amháin agus saothrófá i gcaitheamh do shaoil. "There was a man...In one night I would rob as much as you would earn your whole life," he said. People Feelings Conversation Activities Life & death
Cén fear a casadh dhófa ach robálaí eile. Who did they meet but another robber. Conversation People Activities Adjectives Life & death
Bhí an geall cailltí. The bet was lost. Abstract nouns Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death