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éan corr níl aon ál nach mbíonn éan corr orthaí, said in respect of one member of a highly respectable decent family who was not so, who turned out different Abstract nouns Feelings People Relationships Proverbs Log in to hear
eitigh heitíof thú .i. ní ghlacfadh an ghearr-chaile a d'iarr tú thú. Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Language Relationships Log in to hear
fuath tá tú a' tabhairt fua dúinn, deserting us, not visiting us of nights as you used to Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
geidimín níl ann ach geidimín go dhuine, níl aon teacht 'un láithreach ann, an geidimín Everyday phrases Feelings Language Expressions Relationships Log in to hear
hata Acla agus naprún Chliara ná déan hata Acla dó .i. den chasúr, don't treat it like hata Acla, that is to say make common property of it (MMt). There was only one hat in Achill and only one apron in Clare Island, and everybody wore it in turn according as he or she needed it. The same was said of brógaí Iorruis, there was only one pair which was used by everybody or so the saying goes. Activities Idioms Everyday phrases Folklore Relationships Log in to hear
ionad in phr. i n-ionad, at the end of: bhí sé feadh bliana ag muintir na bruíne, agus annsin bhí a bhean le goil a' pósadh i n-ionad (n)a bliana, at the end of the year, when the year was up Everyday phrases Time Feelings Relationships Activities Log in to hear
mac a' pheata chuile mhac a' pheat' acú, every one of them, every mother's son of them Everyday phrases Feelings People Language Relationships Log in to hear
práinneach práinneach asad féin, leitheadach; práinneach as a chlann, as rud ar bit a bheith aige, proud of, thinks a lot of (AL); bhí sé a cho práinneach as a gcat. he was so very fond of the cat (CN). Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
roinn an sagart agus a' póilí, tabhair a gcuid dóf' agus ná bíof aon roinn agad leóf, give them their due and have nothing more to do with them Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
rúscadh a' rúscadh le fataí, a' baint fataí (cf. a' plé le fataí i n-áiteanna eile); a' rúscadh leóf, playing with them (children). Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases People Relationships Log in to hear
saoghal Éabha ní bhainfeadh an saoghal Éabha anuas mé, the whole world; an saoghal Ádhaimh is similarly used. Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Idioms Log in to hear
sáraigh sháraigh siad mé (the calves) bested me, got the better of me, got away from me: used impersonally: sháraigh air aon bhean fháil, he failed to get any wife; a' sárú oram, contradicting me, arguing me down. Activities Feelings Verbs Idioms Relationships Log in to hear
scioll go sciolla tú é .i. an fheóil a bhaint dhá chrámhaí Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
sóntaíl an rud is measa bhí greamuithe go dhuine riamh a' tsóntaíl. Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
teannta a choinneál i n-a theannta, to keep it together (money), not to spend any of it Everyday phrases Feelings Money Verbs Relationships Log in to hear