Irish English Tags Audio
Cam/Éilitheach Corrupt Adjectives Feelings Personality Disaster Abstract nouns Log in to hear
Muintir People (Parents) People The family Relationships Abstract nouns Activities
Tráth Period of time Abstract nouns Time Measurement
Móiméit Minute Time Measurement Abstract nouns Numbers Everyday phrases
Nóiméad Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time
Nómaite Minute Time Measurement Abstract nouns Numbers Everyday phrases
Bomaite Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time
Amharc (Ag amharc) Eyesight Abstract nouns Feelings The body
thoir/oir/oirthear/soir east Geographical terms Directions Abstract nouns
theas/ó dheas/deisceart south Geographical terms Directions Abstract nouns
is déanaí/is moille latest (most recent) Adjectives Comparatives Abstract nouns
Dúthaigh Area/Country Geographical terms Place names Abstract nouns
Tiarna Lord People Religion Abstract nouns Titles Feelings
Teifeach Refugee Abstract nouns People Relationships Life & death Disaster
blaiseadh beag little taste Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Food and drink Likes & dislikes Log in to hear